The blip author is a strong advocate of open source and inner source software development practices.
Open source software development is a collaborative approach to software development that encourages the sharing of code and ideas with the broader community.
Inner source is a similar approach that encourages the sharing of code and ideas within an organization.
The company the blip author works for has embraced inner source practices, and has seen some benefits from doing so: It has helped the company to reduce costs, accelerate development, break down silos, foster collaboration, and encourage knowledge sharing.
However there where some challenges to overcome, like legal requirements in germany for sharing work between different legal entities etc. A special inner source license was created to overcome this, which imposed also a number of restrictions (like not being able to open source the code under this license, etc.).
The author thinks that open source can be a great advantage for companies especially where the software does not represent the core competence and intellectual property of the company. For big companies under german law however, open source has even more legal implications than inner source (processes like license scanning, approvals, trainings, open source officers).